Pricing is a free service until users reach their two year anniversary on the site. AFTER two years, users are asked to print their story (book or CD) or pay a nominal storage fee: $15 for 6-months and $24 for a year. Those who are "viewing" stories or "shopping" will continue to have free accounts to view stories or shop.
Some important details about our printed baby books. Finished books are 8 1/2" high x 11" wide. They are printed in the USA on the highest quality HP Indigo printer, the pages are full-bleed (that means every millimeter of space is used to the end of the page), they are professionally bound in a linen embossed hardcover made especially for My Own Little Story. The front cover has a 4¼" x 3¼" window to display an image of your child.
NEW FEATURE: We now offer your child's story on CD! $30
- 28 sophisticated and charming pages- to admire and share with loved ones (14 pages/front and back)
- Every beautiful story is professionally printed and carefully bound
- Our most affordable baby book breaks down to $1.39/page- you can't even buy a pack of gum for that price these days!
- 40 pages of memories that will quickly become one of your top ten stories (20 pages/ front and back)
- Every beautiful story is professionally printed and carefully bound
- Our Tall Tale breaks down $1.22/printed page- at this price, you can still afford to buy diapers!
- 52 pages to narrate your baby's highlights (26 pages/ front and back)
- Plenty of space to cover the first year and more
- Just like the other options, your child's beautiful story is professionally printed and carefully bound
- What a novel idea- the more you buy the more you save $1.13/printed page
- 64 pages to boast about your little one- you can fit it all in this book. (32 pages/ front and back)
- Yes, we hired professionals to make sure every single book is of the highest quality- no matter how long or short
- The Odyssey works out to be $1.08/printed page- never to soon to start saving for college.
- 72 pages of your sweet baby (36 pages/front back)
- I received over 50 emails for more pages- this is the most pages we could possibly squeeze into our custom covers (I guess we need bigger covers).